Banner with text The world of Heavenly Sin - Erotic comics by Jitsch. The banner illustration is two female characters who are very close, one is an angel and one is a devil, and you can’t see their faces bevause the horns of the devil girl are in the way.

Jitsch makes Comics

Comics are my passion. I created stories from various genres over the years because I cannot restrict myself to a single theme. I’m sure that one of them is what you have been looking for. Just check them out using the links in the cover pictures.

If you want to support me in making comics and get early access, see uncensored pages, and many other insights into my creative process, you should join my Patreon.

You can also purchase some of my comics here:
Freibeutershop (printed comics) (Comic PDFs)

About Me

I’m Jitsch and I live in Hamburg. I cannot even remember when I first drew something with speech bubbles and panels. The first comic I ever shared on the web is from 2005.

The first printed comic from me was published in the German shounen manga anthology Shounen Go! Go! in 2010.

Since 2015 I am self publishing my comics and I have not stopped ever since.

Meet Me

You can occasionally find me with a booth at conventions in Germany. I sell my comics and little goodies such as stickers, and you can request hand-drawn commissions. Hope to see you there!

The planned and upcoming ones are:

* planned (plan to apply / application not yet confirmed)